
Barney Kilgore

1941 – Westbrook Pegler wins a Pulitzer Prize for the New York World Telegram for his coverage of scandals in organized labor that led to the conviction of a union official.

1941-1945 – The U.S. enters World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The ammunition and equipment requirements of the government to fight the war pull the economy out of the Depression.

1942 – BusinessWeek develops a weekly column called the "War Business Check-List" that is a digest of new federal rules and regulations affecting business.

August 1942 – Fortune magazine puts an article title on the cover for the first time.

1945 – Barney Kilgore is named president of Dow Jones & Co.

Wall Street




1946 – Joseph Livingston, then with the Philadelphia Record, begins a survey summarizing economic forecasts from the government, economists, banks and businesses.

1947 – W.M. Kiplinger creates the first personal finance magazine. It’s called Changing Times, The Kiplinger Magazine.

1948 – The Wall Street Journal starts a Southwest edition.